Alpine Ontario Alpin (AOA) - Membership Setup Overview (INTERPODIA ADMIN ONLY)

Annual Memberships for Athletes

Athletes' annual memberships span from July to June the following year. The membership registration process is intricate and involves individual registration for each division (SOD/NOD/SCD/LSDA). Additionally, all members must go through their club portal for registration.

Each athlete gets up to 4 memberships/registrations: 

  • Club Registration > mandatory for all
  • Division Membership > mandatory for all
  • AOA Membership > mandatory for all GRANTED (linked to division)
  • ACA Membership > for eligible AOA membership options  GRANTED (linked to division)

Club Setup

Each club must obtain sanctioning, affiliating with AOA. During the annual application process, clubs choose their preferred setup option (Option A or Option B). Once their preference is selected, we are notified, and the setup process ensues – detailed setup information can be found in the detailed guide here. Clubs are accessible in the AOA directory, here.

FIS Athletes

For FIS athletes, whether at the international or national level, acquiring an FIS membership necessitates obtaining an SAIP insurance product sold by ACA through a dedicated morg.