How to create a coupon code?

There are a number of scenarios where coupon codes are necessary. Perhaps someone paid for an event then wanted to apply that credit to a different event.

  • If you're about to create a coupon code to compensate for an offline payment - we advise making the coupon code something obvious and unique like "CASH_PAYMENT_familyX_date of payment" and create only the coupon code in dollar value of the exact amount received and not a percentage discount to avoid people changing their mind and registering online for a more expensive program than the one they paid for.
  • If you're about to create a coupon code to manage a registration transfer from one event to another - we advise making the coupon code something obvious and unique like "REG_TRANSFER_familyX_name of the old reg" and create only the coupon code in dollar value of the exact amount they previously paid for (before taxes and fees) and not a percentage discount so people will be prompt to pay the price difference if the new program/activity is more expensive.
  1. Login to your account and select Dashboard from the Tools dropdown menu
  2. Select Coupons from the menu in the left marginScreenshot 2023-08-01 144028
  3. Select the Create Coupon button in the top right of the coupons page. This will bring up a window where you can begin to create your coupon code.
    creat coupon
    Screenshot 2023-08-01 144534
  4. Select what the coupon Applies To. You can choose whether it applies to your Membership Organization (PSTO/NSO); Event/Club (for a specific club or event); Financial Organization (Any registration process that uses the same Financial account); A Specific Registration Category; or a Financial Organization Group (a group of individual financial organizations attached to one bank account)
    Screenshot 2023-08-01 145626
  5. Enter Your Event/Club; Membership OrganizationFinancial OrganizationRegistration Category; or Financial Organization group
  6. Enter a relevant Coupon Code (case-sensitive)
  7. Select the Currency
  8. Select Discount By value or percentage
  9. Enter Discount Amount
  10. Set Maximum Uses
  11. Select whether coupon expires. Please not that the expiry only references the Day. There is no time input like most of the other date/time fields within the Interpodia system. When set, the coupon expires the day after the date that is set.
    coupon expiry
  12. Description (optional)
  13. Promo Code is optional. Promo Code Determines whether this coupon code will be a promo code or a regular coupon code. A promo code will typically have no discount amount, and instead it will send the user a promotional e-mail containing another form of compensation upon application of the
    promo code.

  14. Enable Carrying Balance is also optional. A coupon code with carrying balance can be used in the cart several times by the same user until the balance is down to $0 remaining (eg: if $100 coupon with carrying balance is applied to an order of $60, $40 will remain to be used on a future order)

  15. Create Coupon