Processing fee calculation explanation

Would you like to know the breakdown of the price your registrants will be paying? This article is for you!

Here is how you can read a transaction receipt: 


The processing fees are calculated on the sub-total + your provincial taxes on the subtotal price.
The processing fees rate is based on your contract agreement. For the above exemple, the processing fees are (5% + $0.75 per registration) That's why: 
Taxes on sub total price : $270 * 0.13 = $35.1 taxes on sub total 
Processing fees on price w/ taxes : $305.1 * 0.05 + $0.75 = $16.01 processing fees
Taxes on processing fees: $16.01 * 0.13 = $2.08 taxes on processing fees
Total taxes : $16.01 + $ 2.08 = $37.18 total taxe