SoccerReg - How to use payment groups/invoices

A payment group contains the list of transactions for all the registrations that were uploaded for a league/association for a specific season. 

For example, there is a payment for the NORTHERN INTERIOR YOUTH SOCCER ASSOCIATION  for their 23/24 PRIMARY SEASON



In each payment group, you will find an 'Invoices' section. 

Using the date/time range filter, you will be able to generate invoices for the date range you want. Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 10.51.23 AM

Note that the transaction date used by these filters is the upload date

The invoices that you generated can then be found below under 'Generated invoices'
Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 10.51.45 AM


How to mark payment received using the 'Assign Administration fee' button

To record a payment you received from a league/association, you can use the 'Assign Administration fee' button. 

Here is how:

  1. You need to go to BC Soccer's financial dashboard > Admin fees tab
  2. On this page, click on 'Add Administration fee'
    Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 10.57.43 AM
  3. Enter details about the payment you received from the league/association (You should always select 'Organizer pays' under Fee Structure and Tax Structure.
    This example shows that BC Soccer received a $10.000 CAD payment from the Northern Interior Youth Soccer Association. 
    Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 11.10.48 AM
  4.  Click on Save
  5. Go to the relevant payment group for which you received the payment (eg.!/dashboard/110/payment)
  6. Click on Assign Administration Fee
    Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 10.56.10 AM
  7. Select the admin fee you created for this payment
    Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 11.08.16 AM
  8. Click on Assign Fee
  9. After that, the payment you received will be recorded against the payment. That means that if the payment group balance was $100.000 before you assigned the fees, the balance will now be $90.000.