WRESTLING - Registering for a Membership

If you have numerous athletes to register at once, make sure to Submit and Complete from the cart every 20 to 30 registrants to avoid cart loading issues.

  1. Find > Licences & Memberships

2. Search and select membership

3. Join/renew button 

4. Select registrant or Register Someone Else and enter information

If someone already exists in our system, you will be prompted to select their existing account or to create a new one. Please select the the first option and confirm the email address.

5. Search and select club

6. Complete and add another membership or Complete and proceed to Cart

7. Enter payment information and Submit & Complete

After submitting the order, the registrant(s) will be automatically issued their Wrestling membership card via email. 
If you have numerous athletes to register at once, make sure to Submit and Complete from the cart every 20 to 30 registrants to avoid cart loading issues.