How to use personalization variables in your email templates?

Adding personalization variables to your emails will automatically generate the information collected during registration, creating personalized emails for each member!

Please note that the variable formats may vary for different types of emails, so please refer to the specific format provided for each type of email listed below.

Registration confirmation email 

Enter the tag {...} into your email and when the email is sent it will be replaced by the name/email/order link

{identity_id}: Adds registrant's System Internal Profile ID
: Adds registrant's first name
{identity.last_name}: Adds registrant's last name
{identity.gender}: Adds registrant's gender
{identity.dob}: Adds registrant's date of birth
{registration_information_basic}: Adds a 'Registrant Information' section with: Name, Gender, Category, and Team (if applicable)
{registration_information}: Adds a 'Registrant Information' section with: Name, Gender, Category, and Team (if applicable) AND adds Products with Quantity (if applicable)
{survey_questions}: Adds list of additional information collected via registration forms
{reg_category_name}: Adds the name of the category the registrant registered for
{team_name}: Adds the name of the team the registrant registered for (if applicable)
{generated_number}: Adds registration number (member number for clubs), if applicable
{receipt_link}: Adds link to the online version of the receipt
{social_media_links}: Adds all the links to your social media 
{social_media_facebook}: Adds the link to your facebook
{social_media_youtube}: Adds the link to your youtube
{social_media_instagram}: Ads the link to your instagram
{social_media_twitter}: Adds the link to your twitter
{event_website_link}: Adds the link to your website

These specific variables may need support team assistance for backend settings to be properly configured and validated.

{generated_number_[GENERATOR_ID]} - replace [GENERATOR_ID] with actual generator ID: Adds the registration/club member number
{registration_cat_message} - Adds custom registration category message (configured in the backend)
{team_cat_message} - Adds custom registration category message (configured in the backend)

Admin Notification email

Enter the tag {{...}} into your email and when the email is sent it will be replaced by the name/email/order link

{{purchaser_first_name}} = Purchaser First Name
{{purchaser_last_name}} = Purchaser Last Name
{{purchaser_email}} = Purchaser Email
{{order_details_url}} = Link to the Order Details page
{{registration_details_url}} = Link to the Registration Details page
{{registrant_first_name}} = Registrant (Participant) First Name
{{registrant_last_name}} = Registrant (Participant) Last Name
{{registration_category}} = Name of the Registration Category the participant registered for

Waitlist Invitation Email

{{event_name}} = Name of the event/club activity the person joined the waitlist for
{{contact_email}} = Event Contact Email
{{identity_first_name}} = First Name of the person on the waitlist you're inviting
{{identity_last_name}} = Last Name of the person on the waitlist you're inviting
{{category_name}} = Name of the registration category the person joined the waitlist for
{{registration_link}} = Link to the registration process for the person to finalize their registration. Format link in plain text
{{registration_url}} = Link to the registration process for the person to finalize their registration. Format HTML: <a href=”” target="_blank"></a>
{{invitation_expiry}} = Date the invitation link will no longer be active



Membership Registration Confirmation Email

{first_name}: Replaced by member's first name
{last_name}: Replaced by member's last name
{summary}: Adds a summary section with: Membership Type Name, Membership Sub-Type(s) Names
{purchased_groups_name}: Adds the full name of the purchased membership types
Adds the short name (if any) of the purchased membership types
: Adds the date the membership will be valid from, if applicable
{pg_valid_to}: Adds the date the membership will be valid to (expiry date), if applicable
{generated_numbers}: Adds the membership number
{affiliates}: Adds the club affiliation(s) selected by the member
{identity_membership_status}: Adds the status of the membership on the day the email is sent
{google_digital_card_link}: Adds the 'Download Your Google Card' button - If digital cards are setup
{apple_digital_card_link}: Adds the 'Download Your Apple Card' button - If digital cards are setup


These specific variables may need support team assistance for backend settings to be properly configured and validated.

{group_X} - X is id of group, replaced with confirmation_email_content on Group
{identity_attribute_X} - X is ID of attribute, replaced with value for that attribute
{survey_question_X} - X is ID of question, replaced with answer for that question