Payment plans allow your club to collect their registration fees in multiple payment (split payment or recurring billing)
Learn more about the benefits of offering installment payments in our dedicated article:
Why Should Clubs Consider Offering Installment Payments?
How it works
In order to set up installment plans for club fees, we kindly request that you provide us with the necessary information for each registration category that requires installments:
Name of the registration category
Number of installments
Type of installments, there are two (2) options:
- Option 1 - Based on the initial purchase date: eg: if the first transaction is on Sept 20th, and the second payment is due 30 days later (October 20th) and then the third payment is due 60 days later (November 20th), etc...
- Option 2- On specific dates: Regardless of the original purchase date, the club can determine which days the installments will be charged.
Eg: the first transaction is made on Sept 20th and the second transaction is on October 1st.
Important note about option 2: participants who register after the first scheduled date will never be charged for that installment. The club is responsible for monitoring until when participants should be allowed to register for calendar-based installments registration categories.
Please note:
Installments can only be configured at the club level fees (PTSO/NSO fee will be due in full at checkout)
The first installment is due at the initial purchase, and the same equal amount will be charge on each occurence.
A registration category is configured either with recurring payment (installments) or in full payment (one time only), we cannot let the member choose (for now). Registration categories with installments should be labeled accordingly. eg:
Recreational Program - Full
Recreational Program - 4 installments
Each installment will generate a separate registration within a club's dashboard. However, recurring registrations are clearly identified and designed to be ignored by the maximum capacity function. Additionally, they can be excluded from reports if necessary, ensuring they don't affect your data tracking or capacity limits.
Any waiver signatures (club waivers) only appear with the initial registration.
!! Important !!
- DO NOT provide 100% coupon discount to your members when they register for their installment. To collect credit card information, we must charge your members a fee during the first transaction.
- Please note that the system review the eligible price of a category on the payment day. Therefore, if you are offering an early bird discount that should apply ONLY on the first transaction, make sure your early bird discount ends before the second payment of your recurring billing is processed.
Eg: Early bird discount applies from August 29th to October 15th. If I registered on August 29th for my recurring billing, and I'm charged every month, the early bird discount will apply to my second payment on September 29th
If you would like some clarification on this, please contact the Interpodia team at
Early Bird & Installment Registration Options
If you need to manage early bird prices on your registration option, and that early bird should apply on all recurring payment for participants registering during the early bird period, here’s how the setup should be structured from the start:
- Set up two registration categories per program:
- One with the early bird price, with registration open and close dates matching the early bird period.
- One with the full price, with registration open and close dates matching the full price period.
- Configure the full installment setup for each of these categories.
Configuration Fees
Additional fees may be required for your club to access and utilize the addon configuration option. For more information on pricing, please reach out to our support team.