Profile data management overview

Although the terms "user account" and "profile" are often used interchangeably, they refer to slightly different concepts when using one of our Interpodia Platforms.


  • User Account: It represents a unique access to the system using the information provided by the user (email address and password). The user account serves as the primary means of authentication, allowing users to prove their identity and access the system. It also distinguishes one user from another by providing a unique identifier (their email address). User accounts often have associated permissions and settings that determine the actions the user can perform within the system.
  • Profile : On the other hand, a profile is a set of information associated with a user account. Each profile represents a unique person (member/participant) on the system and includes additional details about them (name, date of birth, contact email, associated memberships, event registrations, etc.). On Interpodia platforms, multiple profiles can be associated with a single user account (for managing families, for example), similar to having multiple profiles on your Netflix account to store each person's favorite show, except we store registrations instead!

In summary, a user account represents a unique access to the system (username + password), while a profile represents a unique person and includes a collection of their personal information.

From the Profile tab of the dashboard, you can edit profile details (1) as well as membership details (2), event/club registrations (3), course records (4), and background checks (5)

1- Profile Details

The profile details are defined below:

First Name/Last Name - The user's first name and last name on their profile. This can be updated by organization administrators and Interpodia super administrators.

Date of Birth - This is the user's date of birth. This information can be updated by organization administrators and Interpodia super administrators.

Gender - This is the gender the user identifies with. This information can be updated by organization administrators and Interpodia super administrators.

Nationality - The user's nationality. This can be updated by organization administrators and Interpodia super administrators.

Email - This email will be the contact email to confirm that a registration is complete (the order receipt will go to the main profile on the user account - the "buyer"). This can be updated by organization administrators and Interpodia super administrators.

If you want all information about a person to be updated, you will need to update both the profile details AND each membership detail associated with the profile (see 2).

2- Membership Details

Users have memberships for each organization and season they have registered for. Each membership is associated with a profile, and a profile can have more than one membership.

The membership details page gathers all the information the user entered during the registration process - These details are not dynamically linked to profile information. As a result, updating the profile information (email, name, address, etc.) will NOT update the membership details.

Organization administrators and Interpodia super administrators can update all this information by selecting the blue "Edit" 


Once you have updated the membership details, select the blue "Save" button to save the changes you have just made:

3- Registrations

Users have registrations with each club/event they sign up for. Each club/event registration is associated with a profile. Users can register for multiple clubs/events each year.

The registration details page gathers all the information the user entered during the registration process - These details are not dynamically linked to profile information. As a result, updating the profile information (email, name, address, etc.) will NOT update the registration details.

Event/club organizers and the Interpodia super administrator are authorized to update the registration details page.

4- Course Records

Some organizations may require users to complete training to validate their membership/certification. The "Training History" section lists the training modules followed by the member. Training tracking is managed through our Certification Tracking System (CTS).

5- Background Checks

Some organizations may require members to undergo a background check before their membership can be issued. You can access members' background check histories, as well as their validity and status.

User Account Details

A user account is an "Identifier + Password" and is UNIQUE, but it can be linked to 1 or multiple profiles. You can search for user accounts via the User Accounts page of the dashboard.

The user details are defined below:

Username: a unique key identifier the user will need along with their password to log in. The username is usually the user's email address. This email is not used for communication unless it is the same as the email address on the user's profile. Organization administrators have the ability to update it as long as the username doesn't already exist in the database. If it does, please contact your Interpodia super administrator to perform the update.

Full Name: the main profile's name of the account. This is displayed in the Identities section. This can be updated by selecting another profile under the account using the "Primary" checkbox.

Associated Profiles: List of profiles linked to the user account. If you want to add an existing profile to a user account, please contact your Interpodia super administrator.

Address: List of addresses used by the user account.

Primary User: this user is the one who manages the account and all profiles linked to it - any purchase receipts made from this account will go to their email address, regardless of the holder.

If you have doubts about updating user account information, please contact your support team via email at